Title: Hankyung's Question Pairing: ShiHan Rating: NC 17 Genre: Smut Disclaimer: These guys aren't mine... Prompt: 036/100 Bathroom Tiles Word Count: 1,293 Archive: HERE A/N: For xnhi I hope this is good enough!
Tittle: Losing the Bet (100 Fics Challenge) Pairing: Yesung/Eunhyuk Rating: NC 17 Disclaimer: They're not mine Word count: 1347 Prompt: 063/100 Archive: Here A/N: Nhi I hope you like it. *huggles you*
Tittle: Freefall Pairing: Eeteuk/Kangin\ Rating: NC 17 (0_0) Disclaimer: sadly they aren't mine Word count: 1,417 Prompt: 001/100 Archive: Here A/N: This is my first ever SuJu fic...and its NC17!!! Please comment and tell me what you think! <3